Thursday, November 22, 2012

Taiwan ROC - Emei Lake Suspension Bridge 峨眉湖吊橋


Stamp Issue : 2012-09-12 

Located in the Emei Township of Hsinchu County, Emei Lake, also known as Tapu reservoir was built in 1960. With an area of 135 hectares, Emei Lake was primarily used for irrigation. During the construction of the reservoir, five suspension bridges were specially built to facilitate the traffic across the lake shores. Due to wear and tear and the need for road widening, cement bridges are built to replace the old bridges. Today, only the Shimaopu Suspension Bridge is left for pedestrians use and is now generally referred as Emei Lake Suspension Bridge.
The suspension bridge is 2.5 meters wide and about 100 meters long. The entrance at both ends is connected by two sturdy cables which to each end, there are three large cables fastened to anchorages constructed by cement stones to increase the support for the load of the bridge deck for safety. Under the main cable, suspended are the smaller cables to hold the weight of the pedestrian trails built by wood.

峨眉湖又名大埔水庫,建於民國49年,儲水面積135公頃, 地處新竹縣峨眉鄉境為一灌溉為主之水庫。水庫興建時,特別修築五座吊橋方便兩岸往來交通,後因道路的拓寬與舊橋的損壞,之後均改以水泥橋替代,現今只剩下細茅埔吊橋供人行走,一般亦改稱該橋為峨眉湖吊橋。

Monday, November 15, 2010

Taiwan ROC - Pudu Bridge 普渡橋


Stamp Issue : 2010-10-20 

Pudu Bridge spanning the Liwu River, located in the Tianxiang recreation area of the Taroko National Park, is a cable-stayed steel bridge. Completed in October of 2003, the bridge has a total length of 88 meters, a width of 3 meters, and a height of 15 meters. Surrounded by strikingly beautiful green mountains and spanning a spectacular deep gorge, the beauty of Pudu Bridge is heaven sent.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Taiwan ROC - Hongye Bridge 紅葉橋


Stamp Issue : 2010-10-20 

Hongye Bridge located in Hongye Village at 400 meters above sea level, spanning the Luye River,. Opened to traffic in March of 2000, the bridge has a total length of 133 meters, a width of 10 meters, and a height of 10 meters. The dark-red steel-arch bridge is beautifully set off against the surrounding mountain greenery and murmuring river.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Taiwan ROC - Taroko Bridge 太魯閣大橋


Stamp Issue : 2010-10-20 

Taroko Bridge has five light-blue steel-arch spans over the Liwu River. The main spans are located in Xiulin Township, Hualien County. Opened to traffic in February of 2002, the bridge is 1,248 meters in length and 20.8 to 29.6 meters in width. The height of its tallest arch is 25 meters. Imbued with local character, the beautiful bridge has become one of Hualien’s most recognizable landmarks.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Taiwan ROC - Lizejian Bridge 利澤簡橋


Stamp Issue : 1986-07-30  


Stamp Issue : 2010-10-20 

Lizejian Bridge has a single-arch bridge without any piers spanning the Dongshan River. Opened to traffic in June of 1992, the bridge has a total length of 148 meters, a width of 22 meters, and a top-of-the arch height of 26 meters. Like a rainbow arching over green water, the bridge has become a Dongshan River Landmark.


Friday, September 17, 2010

China - Jiuxigou Bridge 九溪溝橋


Stamp Issue : 1978-11-01 

Situated in Jiuxigou in Fengdu County, Sichuan Province, Jiuxigou Bridge is a highway bridge. Straddling 116 meters on a single span and with a width of 7.5 meters, the bridge was completed in 1972 and was the world's largest single-arch stone bridge at the time. The main arch is variable-section catenary, with the vault 1.6 meters thick, bottom arch 2.25 meters thick amd arch vector degrees 1/8. The masonry construction was done ring by ring in the scaffolding.


Friday, September 10, 2010

China - Chengyang Bridge 程陽橋


Stamp Issue : 1962-05-15 

Situated in Sanjiang County in Liuzhou in Guangxi Province, Chengyang Bridge (aka Chengyang Wind-Rain Bridge) is a famous bridge which belongs to the Dong Minority Autonomous Region. With particular covered corridors and pavilions, the bridge, aka Wind-Rain Bridge is one of a kind in the local Dong Minority Region. Completed in 1916, the bridge is also known as Yongji Bridge and Panlong Bridge.
Crossing over LinXi River, Chengyang Bridge is a perfect combination of painting, bridge, corridor, veranda and Chinese pavilion. At two ends of the bridge are platforms, the bridge has 3 piers, 4 spans, 19 verandas, and 5 pavilions with 3 floors. The piers are made of stone. The upper main structures are mainly wood, and the roofs are covered with tiles. On both sides of the bridge are wooden handrails.
About 10 meters above the river, the bridge is 64.4 meters long in total and the corridor is 3.4 meters wide.

程陽橋又稱程陽風雨橋是位於中國廣西省柳州三江縣的一座著名的橋梁,屬於少數民族侗族自治區。這是一個特殊的廊橋和風雨橋, 是當地少數民族侗族地區特殊的橋型之一。它建於1916年,又名永濟橋或盤龍橋。

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

China - Lugou Bridge 盧溝橋


Stamp Issue : 1985-09-03  


Stamp Issue : 2003-03-20 

Lugou Bridge, also known as Yongding Bridge, is located about 15 km southwest of Fengtai District of Beijing crossing the Yongding River. The bridge 266.5 meters in length, 7.5-9.3 meters in width, with 10 piers and 11 arches, is the largest ancient multi-segmental arch bridge. As Marco Polo detailed account of the Lugou Bridge in the book "Travels of Marco Polo", the bridge is also known as the Marco Polo Bridge in Europe.
Lugou Bridge was built in 1189, the 20th year of Dading in Jin Dynasty and completed in 1192, the 3rd year of Mingchang in Jin Dynasty. It was restored in 1698, the 37th year of Kangxi in Qing Dynasty. On each side are stone fences supported by 140 carved marble balusters. On top of the balusters are carved stone lions of distinct styles.
Known as "July 7 Marco Polo Bridge Incident", the incident took place on July 7, 1937 on the bridge It marked the beginning of the War of Resistance against the Imperial Japanese Army that lasted eight years.

盧溝橋始建於1189年(金大定二十九年),並於 1192年(明昌三年)完成,後來在1698年 (康熙三十七年) 重建。兩側石雕護欄各有140條望柱,柱頭上均雕有石獅,形態各異。